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                   GENDER, SEX, AND THE CITY


Number:       AST 522


Type:             Graduate seminar (elective)



This course surveys the gendered dimensions of cities, suburbs, and metropolitan landscapes. The main focus is on the varied ways in which urban institutions, behaviors, relations, and spaces come to be encoded with and in turn circulate gendered meanings. Students pay close attention to the shifting mechanisms, techniques, and discourses that describe power relationships between women and men in the city, and the ruptures and resistance that arise in response. Of particular concern are the ways in which the gendered city reflects, shapes, and refracts the complex intersections of race, class, and sexual orientation. Students read across disciplines such as geography, architecture, literary criticism, history, public policy, planning, and anthropology.  The seminar culminates in a research paper of publishable quality.


Links:           Syllabus


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